Well folks, we're right in the middle of the holiday season and it seems like that season gets a little longer every year. At this point, I'm pretty sure "happy holidays" means "happy everything from Halloween to Valentine's. And you know what? That's something I can get behind. Celebrating, I mean - I think most holiday stuff is too commercial and not meaningful enough or even fun enough. Nothin' FUN about being in a shopping mall the week before Christmas. Raven Jake don't cotton to that.
And that's why I like Kwanzaa. Nothin' wrong with another reason to celebrate. Now many people think that Kwanzaa is only for African-Americans. Not so. 1) it's a secular holiday, and that means that you won't be offending a god you don't subscribe to by participating and 2) it's a good idea and no one race can own a good idea. Good ideas belong to everybody. However, the terminology is a bit tricky.
So - Kwanzaa starts on December 26 and is devoted to the concept of Nguzo Saba, the Seven Principles, or if you like, a little something to meditate on each day as you warm up for the New Year.
The first day, today, December 26, is Umoja, (oo–MO–jah) unity. Unity with family, friends and community.
Dec. 27 (Tues.) is Kujichagulia, (koo–gee–cha–goo–LEE–yah) self-determination. Goes without sayin.' Take responsibility and fix what's wrong with your life.
Dec. 28 (Wed.) is Ujima, (oo–GEE–mah) collective work and responsibility. Some things are too much for one person to fix. You've got to play nice with others.
Dec. 29 (Thurs.) is Ujamaa, (oo–JAH–mah) cooperative economics. This is about sharing the harvest - sharing the work, sharing the bounty. Giving back to your community and being charitable, in both material and spiritual ways.
Dec. 30 (Fri.) is Nia, (nee–YAH) purpose, finding meaning, moving forward.
Dec. 31 (Sat) is Kuumba, (koo–OOM–bah) creativity, a little somethin' to get you going on New Year's Eve
and Jan. 1 (Sun.) is Imani, (ee–MAH–nee) faith, 'cause you've gotta belive that things are going to get better.
Happy Kwanzaa Y'all