"Significant Objects... and how they got that way" is an awesome literary exercise in adding value to absolute crap with a compelling story. In other words:
"A talented, creative writer invents a story about an object. Invested with new significance by this fiction, the object should — according to our hypothesis — acquire not merely subjective but objective value. How to test our theory? Via eBay!"
here's how this snow globe went from .99 to $59 (and sent $58 to Girls Write Now)
Now this touches my heart, 'cause a couple of days ago I bid farewell to my old truck. I'll post about that in a little bit. It ain't a dead truck in your driveway you miss, it's all the investment and memories that went into it. But I tell you folks, I wish I'd spent a little time writing up a sad tale about it before I called Pick Your Part.