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Do you guys have a place near Portland, Oregon, where I could receive some (http://cpr-training-nw.com/cpr-training-and-instruction) cpr training?

Brad Hoss

Is this (http://www.cprtrainingindallastexas.com) cpr training going towards anyone that signs up, or just certain people? I know some people, just citizens, here in Balch Springs TX that would like this knowledge.

Raven Jake

The Red Cross website can be tricky to navigate. Start here: http://www.redcross.org/ Then select "take a class" from the top bar. Enter your zip code in the first box, then select "First Aid, CPR and AED for Lay Responders" from the pull-down menu in the second box. Hit the red "Find Classes" button and you're good to go.

Raven Jake

Looks like for Balch Springs, you might need to head into Dallas, but they can hook you up: http://www.redcross.org/take-a-class/course-class000000003697601

Raven Jake

Portland is even easier - lots of options to choose from: http://www.redcross.org/take-a-class/course-class000000003632144

Raven Jake

Also - just because we did the Red Cross, it doesn't mean they're the only game in town. The American Heart Association offers similar classes, maybe even for less $ and they're still credible. They have more of a franchising method of teaching classes, which seems to be the case with the Code 3 training course. That also makes it a real pain to figure out if you're getting a better deal on the price / level of service than if you're dealing with the Red Cross, but also more likely that they'll be having a training class at a nearby community center. Worth a check out. http://www.heart.org Since I'm a survivor of two "cardiac incidents" myself, I'd appreciate everyone getting up to speed on CPR/First Aid at the "Friends and Family" level, and I'll do the same for you too!


Good work! I wish i was cpr certified

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