Folks, I’ve gotten behind on my posting, and my adventures. Looks like I’ve got some catching up to do. Now you might have noticed that just about every time you go to some fundraiser, no matter what the organization is, they follow the same dang format: hotel, conference center-style chicken marsala, boring speeches about said cause, lots of self-congratulating from the organizers. TwentyWonder ain’t like that.
Now we went last year and it was pretty terrific. And this year’s line-up was just as good. Instead of boring speeches, they have Mexican-style wrestling. Instead of chicken marsala, they have food trucks. Instead of a hotel, they have the Derby Doll Warehouse and an exhibition rollerderby match. Instead of self-congratulatory introductions they put the focus on the beneficiaries – adults with trisomy 21 aka Down syndrome. And then there are the acrobats. Can’t leave them out.
Shout out to Jim Hodgson, whose son Henry motivated him to start TwentyWonder five years ago. Jim’s now the full-time Director of the Down Syndrome Association of Los Angeles (DSALA), and still chief TwentyWonder wrangler. All proceeds for the event go to the DSALA for programs to support people with Down syndrome who are 18 years and older. There are a lot of programs to support school-aged kids with Down Syndrome, but few to support these folks and their families once they become adults. So the need is definitely there.
“TwentyWonder, a Carnival of the Mind” goes down like a 3-ring circus. The evening starts with roller derby, moves on to lounge acts in the Cool Room (which is also the room with air conditioning; it was a mite warm last night) then a stunning show by Cirque Berzerk, followed up by music and wrestling. In the meantime, there’s a midway in the main hall with lots of little booths and exhibits to inspire thinkin’ about science.
There’s a chair that magnifies your pulse 32,000x and features red flashing lights until you’re having a relaxed rave of one, an entomologist with tarantulas to play with and lots of bug specimens, a couple of UCLA students explaining planetary mass, some presidential reinactors hosting Mad Libs (changed to mad liberties) Willie Wonka hawking benefit chocolates and golden tickets, a couple of bars, Tom Woodruff's batmobile and so much more.
You sure won’t want to miss it in 2015.