Folks I'm a great believer in alternative energy, but I'm not a believer in giving huge tracts of pristine desert to power companies so they can ruin public land for a profit. This is becoming a huge problem all over the California desert and we're going to have to band together to do something about it.
Now some of the land that's supposed to get windmills and solar panels all over it is part of the Old Spanish Trail, specifically the Tecopa part of the trail, so I'm going to be at this meeting, and if you're going too, please RSVP with Paul McClure.
Here's the forwarded message:
Please join us on Saturday, January 21, 2012, for a very important meeting!
An OSTA Alert
Old Spanish Trail Faces New Threats in the Mojave. What Can OSTA Do? Help Us Find the Answers… Proposed solar energy and wind farm projects endanger the Old Spanish Trail corridor in some of the most sensitive and unspoiled areas of the Mojave. The Hidden Hills solar plant and the Silurian Valley wind farm would both require massive grading and erect huge structures (twin 750-foot high towers at Hidden Hills; more than 120 windmills from 250-400 feet high along Highway 127 in the scenic Silurian Valley near Death Valley). Both projects would impinge on the Trail and destroy unspoiled desert vistas.
Join with Tecopa chapter leaders and OSTA members from California and Nevada on January 21, 2012, to plan an effective response that makes sure the Trail is protected now that the U.S. is locating renewable energy in the desert. The Tecopa chapter is established with regulatory agencies as an “Intervener” and is actively engaged on these two projects, as well as ongoing research on the Trail. This is your chance to become involved.
When: Sat., Jan. 21, 12:00 noon to 3:00 PM
Where: Gallery auditorium of the Workman-Temple Homestead Museum
15415 East Don Julian RoadCity of Industry, California 91745
Phone: (626) 968-8492
Who: All OSTA members in CA and NV
Sandwiches and drinks will be available
Cost: Free to OSTA members and guests with advance registration
The Program
OSTA’s Jan. 21 Strategy and Action Planning session will:
Review proposed projects and evaluate possible mitigation measures
Consider proposing efficient alternatives, such as placing power generation where the population is. This can be achieved by installing rooftop on industrial and large government buildings, warehouses, and parking lots in our cities.
Plan and organize OSTA monitoring and participation in the regulatory and environmental proceedings for each project, contacting elected officials, and coordinating with other historical and environmental organizations
Offer you the chance to get involved with ongoing OSTA projects, including:
Field location and recording of the 1829-1848 mule trace being conducted by the Tecopa chapter
Archival research to document the OST in CA and NV
Preparation of OSTA field and archival data for Geographical Information Systems (GIS) presentations.
Register for this free event by return e-mail to Paul McClure ([email protected]) or by telephone at 909-305-0505. Please include names of all in your party who plan to attend. This is so that we can prepare an attendance list and order the right amount of food and drinks.
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